Active VATNZ Members

Active members have controlled or flown inside VATNZ airspace within the last 180 days.

VATNZ Controllers

NameIDRatingEndorsementsRWELast VATNZ Activity
Jacob Albertsma1334938Enroute Controller16 Apr 2024
Sean Avery1436232Enroute Controller26 Jul 2024
Adam Baikie1597296Ground Controller27 Jul 2024
Xavier Beks1347495Enroute Controller19 Jul 2024
Charles Budoy1583221Tower Controller27 Jul 2024
Richard Bywater826066TMA Controller19 Jul 2024
Joshua Clark1511790Enroute Controller27 Jul 2024
Hunter Clarkson1373221Tower ControllerP25 Jun 2024
Damien Corbett1168524Enroute Controller21 Jul 2024
Ollie Corboy1281600Ground Controller26 Jul 2024
Alex Cutforth1516804Tower Controller30 Jun 2024
Levi Daniel1405729TMA Controller21 Jul 2024
Caleb Day1387750Ground Controller29 Jun 2024
Caio Diehl1668937Tower Controller26 Jul 2024
Chris Donaldson917565Enroute Controller05 Jun 2024
Chris Durney929923Tower ControllerP15 Jul 2024
Logan English1421454Tower Controller26 Jul 2024
Jason Epps-Eades835967Senior ControllerF27 Jul 2024
Matthew Farrington1385785Tower Controller27 Jul 2024
James Ford-Hathaway1420070Senior InstructorBOMP22 Jul 2024
Cody Forward1442859Tower Controller17 Jul 2024
Leon Gibbs932432Senior Controller27 Jun 2024
Daniel Greaney1652575Ground Controller21 Jul 2024
Oliver Gregory1527535Tower Controller26 Jul 2024
Tom Gregory1468317Enroute ControllerOM06 May 2024
Steve Hall988156Senior ControllerP26 Jul 2024
Frank Hartland1452174Tower Controller02 Apr 2024
Jordan Head1410069Enroute ControllerM15 Jul 2024
Lewis Hodgson1705730Tower Controller28 Jun 2024
Dennis Hsu1334152Tower Controller14 Jul 2024
Brody Jellyman1322187Tower Controller27 Jul 2024
Richard Jellyman1109047Ground ControllerP23 Jul 2024
Nick Johnston814488Senior ControllerB27 Jun 2024
Andrew Jones1774381Ground Controller20 Jun 2024
Jacob Kennington1321074Tower Controller02 May 2024
Zain Khan1345074Enroute ControllerO14 Jul 2024
Tom Kilpatrick1480195Senior ControllerMP23 Jul 2024
Elijah King1629975Tower Controller16 Jun 2024
Ray Lang899884Senior ControllerO13 Jul 2024
Colin Larsen1606925Tower Controller16 Jun 2024
John Leat948959Senior ControllerOM18 Jul 2024
Joshua Lightbourne1597088Tower Controller15 Jul 2024
Fenton Loveday1348445Senior InstructorOM22 Jul 2024
Tom Lyall1373308InstructorBOM21 Jul 2024
Stuart Macintosh1245742Tower Controller25 Jul 2024
Michael Malone1561776Tower Controller27 Jul 2024
Ben Marling1394175Enroute ControllerOM27 Jul 2024
Jamie Marshall836430Tower Controller08 Jun 2024
Daniel Mason953660Tower Controller30 Jun 2024
Ablai Mckerrow1294908Enroute Controller06 Jul 2024
Connor Mcquillan1358506Tower Controller24 Mar 2024
Kayne Meijer1305837Tower ControllerP27 May 2024
James Mitchell1391840Tower Controller02 Mar 2024
Paige Newport1604408Ground Controller27 Apr 2024
Andrew Norris813246Enroute ControllerMAP21 Jul 2024
Dominic Oakes1340434Tower Controller26 Jul 2024
George Ogilvie1410940Enroute Controller21 May 2024
Grayson Ottaway870999Tower ControllerP22 Jul 2024
Gary Parata1402744Senior InstructorBOMP25 Jul 2024
Bailey Pellow1334275Enroute Controller17 Mar 2024
Ted Pitches1518365Ground Controller07 May 2024
Scott Pudney1340752TMA Controller26 Jul 2024
James Raven1545094Ground Controller22 Jul 2024
Jeremy Rei1724576Ground Controller21 Jul 2024
Mark Richards811451SupervisorBFOM27 Jul 2024
Alek Ristic1321601Enroute Controller07 Jul 2024
Mikey Robinson1467646Enroute ControllerBOM20 Jul 2024
Brett Rodgers1312607Tower Controller21 Jul 2024
Bence Russell1688704Tower Controller27 Jul 2024
Deveraux Short-Henare1272067Tower Controller21 Jul 2024
Angus Sparks1635480TMA Controller21 Jul 2024
Todd Stehbens1313670Tower Controller27 Jul 2024
James Stuart1454448Enroute ControllerOM25 Jul 2024
Connor Sumner1480180InstructorOM26 Jul 2024
Liam Sutherland1300742TMA Controller01 Feb 2024
Leighton Thompson1340421Tower Controller15 Jul 2024
Michael Tompkins1340081Tower Controller25 Jul 2024
Benjamin Topping1419506Ground Controller25 Jul 2024
Warren Tout1414387Ground Controller19 May 2024
Felix Trevethick1373270Ground Controller26 Jul 2024
Dick Tucker1296118TMA Controller20 Jun 2024
Cam Tyson1343852Senior ControllerO24 Jul 2024
David Walsh811659Enroute ControllerA25 Jul 2024
Duncan White1267983Senior ControllerO08 Jul 2024
Jake Wigston1570234Ground Controller28 Apr 2024
Kaleb Woodcock1569243Ground Controller24 Jul 2024

Visiting Controllers

NameIDRatingEndorsementsRWELast VATNZ Activity
Ryan Ally1359064Enroute ControllerOV25 Jul 2024
Ben Anello811680Senior ControllerOV27 Jul 2024
Tim Barber819096AdministratorVP25 Jul 2024
Brandon Barrett1181029SupervisorOV25 Jul 2024
John Bartlett1236623Supervisor22 Jul 2024
Matt Bozwood-Davies1240411Enroute ControllerOV30 Jun 2024
Clay Brock1299667InstructorOV27 Jul 2024
Yannic Brodersen1045706Senior ControllerV15 Jun 2024
Brin Brody1354520Senior InstructorOV27 Jul 2024
Bailey Brown1376159SupervisorOV27 Jul 2024
Christopher Bruner1012346Senior ControllerOV07 Apr 2024
Hal Butts1171363Enroute ControllerOV26 Jul 2024
Ran Chen1626714TMA ControllerV27 Jul 2024
Liam Clark1455854Ground Controller16 Jul 2024
Alan Cooke1194659Administrator22 Jul 2024
Milan Cruz1318107Enroute Controller22 Jun 2024
Ray Dotulung1037514Senior ControllerOV15 Feb 2024
David Epstein1252585Senior ControllerOV23 Jul 2024
Daniel Eveman1240191InstructorOV27 Jul 2024
Kaylan Fullerton1177941Senior ControllerOV25 Jul 2024
Louis Joseph Graham1208030Enroute ControllerOV23 Jul 2024
Oliver Gruetzmann961224Senior ControllerV25 Jul 2024
Krikor Hajian1283146InstructorOV27 Jul 2024
Arvid Hansson1162891Senior ControllerV26 Jul 2024
Florian Harms841181Senior ControllerOV17 Apr 2024
Andrew Hobbs1404194Supervisor27 Jul 2024
Mark Hubbert1054583Enroute ControllerOV26 Jul 2024
Ashar Hussain1374485InstructorOV27 Jul 2024
Phil Hutchinson1467165Supervisor27 Jul 2024
Che Jackson1196485Enroute ControllerOV17 Jul 2024
Tony Jeppesen986571Senior ControllerOV13 Jul 2024
Dominik Jurasek1519193Supervisor27 Jul 2024
Kyle Kaestner1330148Enroute ControllerOV15 Jul 2024
Nikita Khomich1759192Ground Controller27 Jul 2024
Jakob Kruse1309208Senior ControllerOV17 Apr 2024
Charan Kumar1078107Enroute ControllerOV22 Jul 2024
Romano Lara1018198Enroute ControllerOVP27 Jul 2024
Brad Lee971630Enroute ControllerOV03 Jun 2024
Hwayong Lee1292983Senior ControllerOV24 Mar 2024
Jonah Lefkoff1378019TMA Controller25 Jul 2024
Ben Lindsey1453923Enroute ControllerOV10 Jul 2024
Mengqiu Liu1478665TMA Controller26 Jul 2024
Dylan Lundberg1118012SupervisorV24 Jul 2024
Andreas Manum1352448Enroute ControllerOV26 Jul 2024
Adam Marion1138356InstructorOV19 Feb 2024
James Martin1449863Enroute ControllerVA23 Jul 2024
Diego Martinez1166497SupervisorOV25 Jul 2024
Chris Mauro989429Enroute ControllerOV27 Jul 2024
Ethan Mcmichael1170764Enroute ControllerOV27 Jul 2024
Archie Middlefell1465482TMA ControllerV22 Jul 2024
Craighton Miller1273399Enroute ControllerOV27 Jul 2024
Brodie Murdoch1306312SupervisorOV24 Jul 2024
Muhammad Nabil1474404Enroute ControllerV22 Jul 2024
Dominic Nguyen1200795Senior ControllerOV26 Jul 2024
Duc (Chris) Nguyen1502513Enroute ControllerV27 Jul 2024
Enrico Nicholas1612975TMA Controller27 Jul 2024
Sean Obrien1419950Enroute ControllerOV27 Jul 2024
Juyong Park1467186Enroute ControllerV21 Jul 2024
Rahul Parkar1105594Enroute ControllerO26 Feb 2024
Ryan Parry965346SupervisorOV25 Jul 2024
Raaj Patel1293257Senior ControllerOV13 Jul 2024
Noah Perlman1463643Enroute ControllerOV30 Jan 2024
Gia Pham1299085Enroute ControllerOV26 Jul 2024
Mark-Julius Pikat1051954Senior InstructorOV26 May 2024
Chris Raabe1327540SupervisorOV25 Jul 2024
Ashe Ramirez1482786Tower ControllerV26 Jul 2024
Mohammad Rayyan1543145Tower Controller27 Jul 2024
Callum Richardson865258Ground Controller22 Jul 2024
Michael Roach1304415Enroute ControllerOV01 May 2024
Rick Rump1053581SupervisorOV27 Jul 2024
Tom Sanderson1287927Enroute ControllerOV22 Jun 2024
Johann Schuhwerk1199725Enroute ControllerVP21 Jul 2024
William Shaw1390209TMA ControllerV27 Jul 2024
Hoo Jiong Sheng1234856SupervisorV26 Jul 2024
Anastasios Stefopoulos901134AdministratorV21 Jul 2024
Andrew Sterling1281171Enroute ControllerOV23 Jul 2024
Kevin Susanto1009268Senior ControllerOV26 Jul 2024
Adrian Szalok1593614Enroute Controller27 Jul 2024
Mikael Tan1455628Enroute ControllerV16 Jul 2024
Al Tang934809InstructorOV07 Jul 2024
Bradley Tice1206822Enroute ControllerV23 Jul 2024
Gia Huy Tran1442675TMA ControllerV26 Jul 2024
Adam Veall1504110Senior InstructorV27 Jul 2024
Logan Waldman1332767Enroute ControllerV24 Jul 2024
Kyle Watkins1151068SupervisorOV16 Jul 2024
Richard Weber1460595Enroute Controller02 Jul 2024
Brandon Wening1394476InstructorOV27 Jul 2024
Wesley Wong1496714Enroute Controller27 Jul 2024
Junzhe Yan1340265SupervisorOV27 Jul 2024
Xuanyan Ye1587264Supervisor16 Jul 2024
Jingyuan Yin1478847Tower Controller27 Jul 2024
Hongye Zhang1326158SupervisorOV27 Jul 2024
Ruijie Zhang1460861Enroute ControllerV14 Jul 2024
Chase Zimmerman1225590Enroute ControllerOV16 Jun 2024
Note: in addition to the controllers listed above, all ATC-rated members of VATPAC are automatically awarded Visiting Controller status and are permitted to provide ATC service within VATNZ airspace.

VATNZ Pilots

NameIDRatingEndorsementsRWELast VATNZ Activity
Derek Adam825433Pilot21 Apr 2024
Bailey Alexander1646924Pilot05 Apr 2024
Zaeem Ali1601582Pilot07 Jul 2024
Jason Allen1383970Pilot29 Jun 2024
Craig Allison1535544Pilot23 Jul 2024
Kenneth Anderson1247084Pilot08 Jul 2024
Tobin Andrew1705566Pilot27 Jul 2024
Niklas Arfors1742373Pilot30 Apr 2024
Vaughan Ashworth1629518Pilot21 Jul 2024
Jake Attwell1650264Pilot30 Jun 2024
Jack Backer1638309Pilot17 Jul 2024
Otis Baguley1585830Pilot20 Jul 2024
Hayden Bailey1756138Pilot03 Jun 2024
Alan Baker1678851Pilot06 Feb 2024
Xavier Baldwin1820393Pilot12 Jun 2024
Vlad Barikov1800041Pilot27 Jul 2024
Tim Baron1509584Pilot03 May 2024
Cody Barrett1696896Pilot23 Feb 2024
Emile Bax869084Pilot21 Jul 2024
Warwick Bayne1558545Pilot07 Jul 2024
Jack Beavis1506282Pilot20 Jul 2024
Tim Beck1726650Pilot03 May 2024
Peter Bevington1473206Pilot14 Feb 2024
Brad Bewley1427839Pilot13 Jul 2024
Joshua Binney1707543Pilot27 Jul 2024
Max Blackett1758690Pilot12 Jul 2024
Oliver Booker1787544Pilot14 Feb 2024
Phanuphong Boonmee1764106Pilot06 Feb 2024
Bjorn Botma1744558Pilot25 Apr 2024
Brandon Bott1563613Pilot13 Jul 2024
Harrison Bright1645792Pilot26 Jul 2024
Cameron Brown1169035Pilot25 Mar 2024
Lenny Browne1633060Pilot13 Apr 2024
Riley Burbidge1768201Pilot01 Jun 2024
Ross Burney1167063Pilot03 Mar 2024
David Burt1402121Pilot26 Jul 2024
Julian Cahill1414048Pilot27 Jul 2024
Dimitri Calavrias1662415Pilot23 Jun 2024
Aayden Cameron1735785Pilot25 Jul 2024
Balram Chandrasekharan1271776Pilot26 Jul 2024
Brett Chapman1673266Pilot21 Jul 2024
Heanu Choi1803619Pilot22 Jul 2024
Alain Chua1630800Pilot27 Jul 2024
Max Claxton1730096Pilot27 Jul 2024
Mike Cleaver1623033Pilot16 Jun 2024
Daryl Clune1441530Pilot25 Apr 2024
Ty Cochran813910Pilot14 Jul 2024
Brad Congdon1575737Pilot21 Jul 2024
Tom Cooley1803573Pilot23 Jun 2024
Logan Corbishley1788457Pilot30 Jun 2024
Jack Cormack-Neto1766348Pilot01 Jul 2024
Tanner Costin1579026Pilot17 Jul 2024
Gerard Coulson1578995Pilot17 Apr 2024
Louis Coup1638922Pilot29 May 2024
Matthew Crawford876002Pilot21 Jul 2024
Peter Crawford1428962Pilot26 Jul 2024
Stephen Crockett1566643Pilot29 Jun 2024
Alex Curran1799386Pilot28 Mar 2024
Stephan Curran1527687Pilot13 Jul 2024
Lucas Curtayne1799677Pilot27 Jul 2024
Alex Dawson1337379Pilot21 Apr 2024
Ben Dawson1782140Pilot30 Jan 2024
John Daynes1743708Pilot06 Feb 2024
Joshua Debueger1447834Pilot24 Jul 2024
Zach Delich1751780Pilot22 Jun 2024
Kristian Demian1020541Pilot25 Jul 2024
Ayden Dini1818260Pilot08 Jul 2024
David Dixon1411060Pilot27 Jul 2024
Jason Dixon1798557Pilot19 May 2024
Andrew Dodd1710025Pilot22 Jul 2024
Peter Doney1615488Pilot26 Jul 2024
James Douglas1315612Pilot26 Jul 2024
James Douglas1360560Pilot27 Feb 2024
Raimata Dumesnil1533558Pilot08 May 2024
James Duncan1232898Pilot11 Jul 2024
Samuel Dunne1562178Pilot21 May 2024
Caleb Eades1777436Pilot28 Jun 2024
Dominic Earl-Peacock1807817Pilot30 Apr 2024
Maarken Edwards1585505Pilot29 Mar 2024
Mark Edwards1225297Pilot01 Jul 2024
James Everaarts1661031Pilot10 Mar 2024
Sean Faldon1527405Pilot23 Feb 2024
Graham Fell1815456Pilot24 May 2024
Joshua Ferguson1680711Pilot20 Mar 2024
Tiago Fidalgo1540711Pilot14 Jul 2024
Charles Figgins1616631Pilot27 Jul 2024
Patrick Finch1593522Pilot19 May 2024
Chris Finlay1423611Pilot25 Jul 2024
Joel Fluhler1767966Pilot19 Jul 2024
Sean Fordham1776262Pilot27 Jul 2024
Tim Frampton1802226Pilot02 Apr 2024
Kase Franssen1820710Pilot25 Jul 2024
Sam Frickleton1701976Pilot19 Jul 2024
Jordan Furness1784479Pilot25 Mar 2024
Liam Fussell1770183Pilot18 Mar 2024
Ben Ga1594460Pilot25 Feb 2024
Nihar Gadkari1591746Pilot25 Jul 2024
Garreth Garcia1439387Pilot27 Jun 2024
Charlie Gautier1588023Pilot29 Mar 2024
Biju George1665247Pilot05 Jul 2024
Jay Gerring1554455Pilot07 Jul 2024
Hoani Gir1274822Pilot24 Jul 2024
Nathan Glen1635861Pilot03 Mar 2024
Sam Gooderham1822031Pilot28 Jun 2024
Cruz Graham1632794Pilot26 Jul 2024
Paul Graveling1788974Pilot13 Feb 2024
Thomas Hallam1421904Pilot27 Apr 2024
Finn Hambling1758673Pilot17 Feb 2024
Sam Harrison1779163Pilot21 Jul 2024
Soul Hartley1673355Pilot25 Jul 2024
Matt Harvey1645707Pilot24 Mar 2024
Dylan Haskins1732536Pilot09 May 2024
Vaughan Hathaway1753314Pilot09 Jul 2024
Joshua Hawkhead1372629Pilot29 Mar 2024
Jeremy Hayes1650704Pilot24 Jun 2024
George Hazlett1769853Pilot27 Jul 2024
Jay Hemraj1716878Pilot21 Jul 2024
Samuel Hendry1772363Pilot29 Apr 2024
Reagan Herbert1713425Pilot28 Jun 2024
James Heritage1342537Pilot26 Jul 2024
Josh Hill1687993Pilot30 Jun 2024
Thomas Hinton1727953Pilot15 Jul 2024
Brent Holland1314299Pilot21 Jul 2024
Charlie Hooker1771300Pilot27 Jul 2024
Zak Hooper1778164Pilot24 Feb 2024
Kiefer Hopkins1746120Pilot16 Jul 2024
Matthew Horsman1637014Pilot22 Jul 2024
Sandy Huang1477539Pilot21 Jul 2024
Casey Hutchinson1538719Pilot16 Jun 2024
Kelvin Hylton1820157Pilot20 Jul 2024
Wirihana Ironside-Mateparae1821723Pilot16 Jun 2024
Luke Irvine1800349Pilot27 Mar 2024
August Isaac1656782Pilot27 Jul 2024
Kurt James1586966Pilot23 Jun 2024
Stanley James1754457Pilot27 Jul 2024
Joshua Janssen1653051Pilot27 Jul 2024
Mark Jayden1498400Pilot10 Mar 2024
Jafar Jeddy1768856Pilot31 Mar 2024
Harley Jefford1816007Pilot07 Jun 2024
Mason Jensen1751999Pilot21 Jul 2024
Preston Joe1639365Pilot15 Jul 2024
Cameron Jolly1706408Pilot01 Apr 2024
Jamie Jones1746534Pilot07 Feb 2024
Kahu Jones1783858Pilot14 Jul 2024
Matthew Jones1397964Pilot07 Jul 2024
Nathan Jones1487654Pilot10 Jun 2024
Eddie Ju1540016Pilot26 Mar 2024
Angarei Peter Kavana1295402Pilot17 May 2024
Mike Kay1203444Pilot08 Apr 2024
Cody Keen1729210Pilot11 May 2024
Elliott Kernan1415776PilotP25 Jul 2024
Ethan King1673492Pilot14 Apr 2024
Noah Kirkham1798844Pilot21 Jun 2024
Ashton Kisby1774051Pilot16 Jun 2024
Josh Kluts1337832PilotP27 Jul 2024
Marek Koskuba1570882Pilot27 Jul 2024
Jakub Kowalski1623871Pilot08 Apr 2024
Manasa Kubuabola1801048Pilot27 Jun 2024
Matthew Lake1227034PilotP07 Jul 2024
Toby Lakin1433230Pilot16 Apr 2024
Roger Lammers1309543Pilot03 Jun 2024
Wilkie Larke1551724Pilot21 Jul 2024
Tony Leonard1129809Pilot04 Feb 2024
Hunter Lepine1718180Pilot15 Apr 2024
Ernest Leung1343776Pilot08 Jul 2024
Edison Li1607667Pilot26 Jul 2024
George Lindsay1593798Pilot21 Jul 2024
David Liu1741826Pilot29 May 2024
Rey Llera1752741Pilot26 Jul 2024
Philip Lowe1482809Pilot06 Jul 2024
Michael Luke1813229Pilot14 May 2024
Lex Macdonald1155442Pilot21 Jul 2024
Chris Maher1018815Pilot05 May 2024
Om Maisuria1718143Pilot10 Jul 2024
Remy Marks-Cockett1706604Pilot24 Jul 2024
Graham Markson1484264Pilot13 Jul 2024
Aniston Mascarenhas1519804Pilot25 Jul 2024
Lyndon Mason1066795Pilot29 Jun 2024
David Maynard1596376Pilot25 May 2024
Joseph Maynard1596367Pilot18 Jun 2024
Akito Mcclunie1633442Pilot06 Apr 2024
Quaid Mcdonald1756984Pilot11 Jul 2024
Patrick Mcewan1766848Pilot21 Jul 2024
Max Mcgregor1724747Pilot25 Jul 2024
Tyson Mcintosh1814665Pilot19 May 2024
James Mcintyre1489993Pilot14 Jun 2024
Mark Mckay1341250Pilot29 May 2024
Aden Mclaughlin1783882Pilot11 Feb 2024
Todd Mclean1461383PilotP10 Feb 2024
Michael Mcmillan1707500Pilot08 Mar 2024
Ethan Mcwilliams1803216Pilot29 Jun 2024
Lionel Mehl1641510Pilot14 Jul 2024
Maxim Melnikov1818467Pilot03 Jun 2024
Danny Melville1422681Pilot03 Jun 2024
Guillaume Merien1639335Pilot27 Jun 2024
Wes Meyer1251928Pilot24 Mar 2024
Charles Miller1647655Pilot02 Jul 2024
Morgan Millian1791544Pilot23 Mar 2024
Nguyen Minh1829166Pilot26 Jul 2024
James Minton1664207Pilot25 Jul 2024
Quan Moller1677953Pilot20 Jul 2024
Noah Moody1731711Pilot14 Jul 2024
Anthony Morris1609086Pilot21 Jul 2024
Florian Mueller1438194Pilot20 Mar 2024
Zieurr Naufal1627811Pilot10 Jun 2024
Graham Nel1745517Pilot18 Jul 2024
Benett Nelson1548033Pilot17 May 2024
Alfred Isaac Neuman1725197Pilot30 Apr 2024
Otis Newman1833367Pilot23 Jul 2024
Ryan Newton1815982Pilot24 May 2024
Mitchell Nielsen1780230Pilot22 Jul 2024
Thomas Nischalke1664455Pilot17 May 2024
Peter Noldus1452185Pilot27 Jul 2024
Harrison Norman1651483Pilot22 Jul 2024
Patrick Nota1816230Pilot21 Jul 2024
James Ogden1785087Pilot09 Feb 2024
Alex Okovytyy1796608Pilot21 Jul 2024
Afaiau Oldham1815186Pilot10 Jun 2024
Frank Omoore1783431Pilot27 Jul 2024
Lucas Otereo1506182Pilot16 May 2024
Matt Palmer1173658Pilot06 Apr 2024
Todd Palmer1755492Pilot20 Feb 2024
James Pang1473161Pilot16 Jul 2024
Robert Passmore1665264Pilot26 Jul 2024
Matthew Pearce1683869Pilot18 Feb 2024
Jean-Luc Pels1720807Pilot18 May 2024
Davi Pereira1737849Pilot27 Jul 2024
Topper Pickering1817426Pilot22 Jul 2024
William Pierre1587562Pilot31 May 2024
Caleb Pink1704907Pilot14 Apr 2024
Rhys Plumpton1650766Pilot27 Jul 2024
Matthew Poole1546646Pilot02 May 2024
Benjamin Pooley1817034Pilot08 Jun 2024
Liam Power1790340Pilot03 Mar 2024
Nicolas Pozo1569807Pilot26 Jul 2024
Tudor Prelipceanu1816006Pilot23 Jun 2024
Drew Preston1728157Pilot21 Apr 2024
Martin Pryde931145Pilot05 May 2024
Charlie Pryor1702762Pilot22 Jun 2024
Jack Radmall1763510Pilot11 Jun 2024
Kaelin Ranchord1773079Pilot12 Jul 2024
Coby Read1741833Pilot24 Jul 2024
Jack Reddy1291324Pilot21 Jul 2024
Alex Reed1695189Pilot30 Jun 2024
Kasius Rijkers1584850Pilot30 Mar 2024
Caleb Riordan1440725Pilot27 Jul 2024
Liberio Riosa1784807Pilot14 Apr 2024
Matt Robertson1488291Pilot26 Jul 2024
James Rooney1771238Pilot20 Jul 2024
Gemini Sadlier1301091Pilot25 Jul 2024
Oscar Sage1476849PilotAP18 Feb 2024
Frazer Salisbury1618211Pilot12 Jul 2024
Sam Sargeant1580804Pilot31 Mar 2024
Jordan Scherer1809394Pilot25 May 2024
Henry Sevier1686262Pilot20 Jul 2024
Oscar Sharpe1812380Pilot12 May 2024
Chris Shaw1789495Pilot05 May 2024
Oliver Shaw1761418Pilot07 May 2024
Phil Shaw1785124Pilot09 Apr 2024
Brendon Sheehan1818255Pilot25 Jul 2024
Jonathan Sheldon1717293Pilot01 Mar 2024
Daniel Sherratt1789752Pilot05 Mar 2024
Krishnal Kavit Singh1307628Pilot20 May 2024
Matthew Skilton1705677Pilot18 Apr 2024
Cameron Smith1565976Pilot13 Jul 2024
Jason Stankovich1819454Pilot14 Jul 2024
William Stanley1770135Pilot06 Apr 2024
Seth Staples1700101Pilot27 Apr 2024
Daniel Stead1583446Pilot11 Jul 2024
Poulain Stephane1802379Pilot21 Jul 2024
Chris Stevens1730102Pilot09 Feb 2024
Otto Stickling1657446Pilot27 Jul 2024
Lukasz Swain1507400Pilot26 Jul 2024
Ardy Swainson1718781Pilot27 Jul 2024
Ricky Tamsworth1466740PilotP30 Jun 2024
Alphonse Tang1682467Pilot29 May 2024
Nick Taylor1518477Pilot27 Jun 2024
Isaac Tegg1767999Pilot13 Jul 2024
Wiremu Tepaiho1414762Pilot28 Apr 2024
Ryan Thompson1762578Pilot20 Jul 2024
Oscar Three Twenty1650275Pilot16 Jun 2024
Kieron Thwaites1803850Pilot15 Apr 2024
Rohan Titus1256302Pilot23 Jun 2024
Jordan Todd1289942Pilot28 Jun 2024
Kobe Tucker1504472Pilot27 Jun 2024
Jordon Turnbull1655000Pilot24 May 2024
Kenneth Tzu-Syuan-Yang1829141Pilot27 Jul 2024
Jack Underwood1569048Pilot30 Jun 2024
James Van Der Loeff1209468Pilot24 Jul 2024
Shamanth Venkatesh1799332Pilot01 Jul 2024
Will Verland1542228Pilot22 May 2024
Karl Von Randow1676768Pilot12 May 2024
Campbell Vos1721633Pilot22 Jul 2024
Jack Walker1461736Pilot13 Apr 2024
Cohnor Walsh1683643Pilot06 Jun 2024
Oliver Wannan1789919Pilot23 Jun 2024
Mike Ward1787081Pilot08 Jul 2024
Ethan Wardrop1765327Pilot21 Jul 2024
Chris Waters1579126Pilot08 May 2024
Doug Westland1673882Pilot23 Jun 2024
Gerard Whitehouse-Tedd1238288Pilot06 May 2024
Eli Wicken1810242Pilot24 Jul 2024
Andrew Wiggins940899Pilot08 May 2024
Hamish William1458251PilotP31 May 2024
Cameron Williams1795685Pilot16 Mar 2024
George Williams1807228Pilot28 Jun 2024
Serenity Williams1514252Pilot25 Jun 2024
Vaughan Williams1803887Pilot18 Jul 2024
David Williamson827078Pilot20 Jul 2024
Andrew Wilson1644996Pilot20 Jun 2024
Daniel Wilson1491461Pilot21 Jul 2024
Dominik Wilson1478012Pilot01 Jul 2024
Liam Wilson1451523Pilot24 Jun 2024
Daniel Winkels1681145Pilot24 May 2024
Joel Winter1731501Pilot19 Jul 2024
Thomas Witham1407883Pilot26 Jul 2024
Rory Woodhouse1435891Pilot24 Jul 2024
Daniel Woodside1630364Pilot25 May 2024
Justin Wynn1810440Pilot18 Jul 2024
Kirk Yang1781349Pilot30 Apr 2024
James Yates1592061Pilot14 Jul 2024
Uno Yoon1799443Pilot01 Jun 2024
Ricky Zafra1500658Pilot27 Jul 2024
Fady Zaki1524704Pilot03 May 2024