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Cross the Pacific Eastbound

Non-VATNZ Event

This event is not organised by VATNZ.

It is included here as being of potential interest to VATNZ members, but this inclusion does not imply any association with, or endorsement from VATNZ.

The event organisers are solely responsible for the event's organisation and marketing materials, including those quoted in this listing.

After a hiatus of a few years, Cross the Pacific is back. Take out your favorite long-hauler, depart Asia, and arrive a few short hours later on the west coast of the US.

Event Website:

After a hiatus of a few years, Cross the Pacific is back. Take out your favorite long-hauler, depart Asia, and arrive a few short hours later on the west coast of the US.

Slot bookings will come out on the website the weekend prior to the event. We ask that you book a slot if you are planning to fly, these slot times will also help you stay within ATC coverage for your entire flight.

Date & Time: March 20th, 2021, 1000z-2300z
Departure Airports: ZBAA, RKSI, RJAA
Arrival Airports: KSFO, KSEA, PANC

To assist with position reports, feel free to use the Oceanic Reporting Tool.

Flight and ATC Bookings

We encourage pilots and controllers alike to book your intention to fly or provide ATC using vroute.

These bookings display on the VATNZ website and allow others to know when and where to expect pilots and controllers to be online.

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