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Night Shift Presents: Route! NZCH → NZQN

VATNZ Welcomes Pilots back to the NZZC airspace in 2023 with the return of our iconic Night Shift Event! Join us on Sunday at 7 PM for our returning weekly event as we continue our journey around the country.

Fly between the two ports of New Zealand on Sunday as we staff the airspace covering Christchurch, Queenstown, and anywhere in-between. A great way to relax after a long week... or weekend...

Break out your favorite airliner, new or old, zip up or down the country, and enjoy one of New Zealand's routes.

Whatever you choose to fly, our fantastic team of controllers will staff up their favourite ATC positions and provide excellent Kiwi service around the country.


Find the Standard Route Clearances for your departure airport here

Or Download our Standard Route Tool here.


NZCH Christchurch, New Zealand


 CallsignRadio NameFrequencyFreq
CTRNZCH-S_CTRChristchurch Control129.300
APPNZCH_APPChristchurch Approach126.100
 NZQN_APPQueenstown Approach125.750
TWRNZCH_TWRChristchurch Tower118.400
 NZQN_TWRQueenstown Tower118.100
GNDNZCH_GNDChristchurch Ground121.900

Flight and ATC Bookings

We encourage pilots and controllers alike to book your intention to fly or provide ATC using vroute.

These bookings display on the VATNZ website and allow others to know when and where to expect pilots and controllers to be online.

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