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Non Normal Night Shift Presents: Explore Northland!

Hello Everyone

This month we are heading up north to Northland to explore some of the best parts of the country for VFR flying like Whangarei, Kaitaia, and Kerikeri to name a few locations you could fly.

The area is well known for it's historical ties to the Treaty of Waitangi and early European settlements. It also holds the famous Ninety Mile Beach.

This is also the second Night Shift event to be rostered. As most, if not all airports North of Auckland are un-attened, just the Auckland control areas will be rostered for this event but that doesn't mean you shouldn't apply for ATC.

 You can still expect to get ATC coverage throughout the whole NZZC but it'll be great to see how many aircraft we can get up North.

See you all on Sunday night!


NZAA Auckland, New Zealand


 CallsignRadio NameFrequencyFreq
CTRNZAA_CTRAuckland Control123.900
APPNZAA_APPAuckland Approach124.300
DEPNZAA_DEPAuckland Approach129.600
TWRNZAA_TWRAuckland Tower118.700
GNDNZAA_GNDAuckland Ground121.900

Rostered ATC

The controller positions for this event are being rostered by the event organisers.

You can no longer apply to provide ATC for this event.

Flight Bookings

We encourage pilots to book your intention to fly using vroute.

These bookings display on the VATNZ website and allow others to know when and where to expect pilots and controllers to be online.

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